What He Did After Heavy Snowfall Drove People Insane, But It's So Funny

What He Did After Heavy Snowfall Drove People Insane, But It's So Funny

When snow storms hit, janitors across the country know that they have a few long days ahead of them. Shoveling our own driveways is a nightmare, so can you imagine having to shovel paths across entire properties?

That's why this janitor decided to have a little fun. He helped people get to their destinations without ruining their shoes, but they had to put a little work in along the way.

Source: Viral Nova
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What He Did After Heavy Snowfall Drove People Insane, But It's So Funny What He Did After Heavy Snowfall Drove People Insane, But It's So Funny Reviewed by Eli Snow on 5:01 AM Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. These unsung heroes not only keep the pathways clear for people but also add a bit of joy to an otherwise challenging situation.


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