During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest

Nature photographer Jan Bainar was hiking through the woods in the Czech Republic one frosty day and came across something extraordinary. The trees in this portion of the Beskydy Mountains, which run the border between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, all sported an incredible-looking pattern of frost on one side of their trunks.

During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest

What could have caused this? Magical snow fairies? A roving pack of yetis? No, most likely, the amazing, feather-like patterns stem from a combination of wind and precipitation that caused the ice to form in these directional patterns. The result, though, looks as though the trees are sporting a snow-white winter coat of fur or feathers. The phenomenon likely didn't last very long, so we're lucky that Bainar was in the right place and the right time. And here are some more photos Bainar has taken of the beautiful Czech winter landscapes.
During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest

During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest

During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest

Photos: Jan Bainar

You can see the rest of Bainar's photos on 500px.

Source: Colossal - Windybee Via Viral Nova
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During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest During The Cold Winter, This Magical Frost Covered Majestic Trees In A Forest Reviewed by Eli Snow on 4:11 AM Rating: 5


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  3. These enchanting frost patterns captured by Jan Bainar truly showcase the wonders of nature. The delicate, feather-like formations on the trees evoke a sense of magic and tranquility during the cold winter days. Bainar's keen eye and timing have gifted us with these breathtaking images, offering a glimpse into the unique beauty of the Beskydy Mountains. A stunning testament to the fleeting yet extraordinary moments nature graciously shares with us. Accused Of Domestic Violence in New Jersey
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